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Transition Support

At Year 11, Gavin rarely attended classes and was ready to leave school once he turned 17, the minimum school leaving age. 


He knew he should get an apprenticeship but just could not get himself organised, even declined to do any work experience.  “I couldn’t be bothered.  I just want to stay home and lie on the lounge”, Gavin said.

RonaldMcDonaldHouse Newcastle


However, Gavin loved going to help out in Ronald McDonald House with his group at JobQuest.  Helping to cook for the young patients and their families, Gavin showed exceptional abilities in the kitchen, and committed to working there every week. 


Eventually, he decided he would like to get an apprenticeship in hospitality, and started looking for a work experience opportunity.

With support from his parents, his JobQuest consultant set him up for work experience in a kitchen at Charlestown. 


Gavin completed his work experience and was offered a fulltime apprenticeship. 5 months on and he is happily attending work 4 days a week and 1 day a week at TAFE.

Gavin said “I’m saving towards my first car and this is the best thing I have done”.




National Registered Training Organisation - 90187

ABN - 80082730210


NDIS Registered  provider - 58874090

Copyright ©2020  All Rights Reserved Penrith Skills for Jobs Ltd Trading as JobQuest and JQ Services


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