School Based Traineeships (SBAT)
Steven, a young Indigenous student, completed a school-based traineeship through the School Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship (SBAT) program offered by JobQuest, qualifying for a Certificate II in Business.
Steven’s confidence improved over this time and the course helped him to find direction for his future.
An incredibly motivated young man, Steven fell in with the wrong crowd at an early age, but was determined to get his life back on track – going so far as to change schools in order to make the most of the opportunities available to him. Since then, he hasn’t looked back! JobQuest’s staff mentoring Steven, being available to him via phone and email whenever he needed assistance.
Steven undertook his workplace training through the Aboriginal Employment Strategies at the Department of Housing, and was rewarded for his efforts and perseverance by being selected as a recipient of a 2010 NSW Training Award.
Selected for his wonderful achievements from over 3,000 applicants, Steven is determined to make the most of his promising future by attending the Royal Military College at Duntroon and pursuing a career in the Armed Services.
“Back as a kid, I was a bit of a trouble-maker, but then I swapped schools and got myself back on track. Whatever the problem was, it just got fixed. You could ring them up and they’d be on it straight away.” – [Steven talking about his experience with JobQuest]