Skills for Education and Employment
What’s in it for you?
Employability skills - the SEE Program can include units with
employability skills such as:
- communication, teamwork,
- customer service and more!
You can receive a Statement of Attainment.
Get work experience.
Have an opportunity to progress and obtain full qualifications.
All programs have “Projects” included to assist you to learn with a hands on approach.
Gain confidence, motivation and maybe even start you on a new
career pathway. Your future is in your hands!
Enrolment: Ongoing Enrolments
Location: Bringelly Road, Kingswood (close to Station) or RICHMOND. Bus available from Richmond Station to the class and back to the station!!
Cost: Free - Fully Funded **
Eligibility Criteria Applies - Please Ask Us
Referral Essential : Centrelink, Job Service Providers or Disability Employment Provider can refer to this program
Call our Penrith Office 4731 4400 for information on the SEE Program.
There are lots of benefits to completing the SEE Program including hands on experience projects .
The work experience is invaluable and can be
included on your resume!!
The SEE Program can help to break down the barriers to employment!
Even discovering new
career paths or returning to previous careers with more employability skills.
** The Commonwealth, through the Department of Industry, funds the SEE Programme”.