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Cleaning Courses

JobQuest is a Registered Training  Organisation that has been in the employment and training industry for over 15 years!


JobQuest is a member of Jobs Australia and ACPET (Australian Council for Private Education & Training).


Cleaning Qualifications provide you with the relevant skills to work as a qualified cleaner. 


 Possible career pathways include

  • Commercial cleaner

  • Carpet cleaner

  • Head cleaner

  • Domestic cleaner

  • Technical specialist

  • Cleaning manager


There are many career possibilities for people wanting to work in cleaning. Employers that use cleaning staff include aged care, hospitals, schools, office buildings, transport terminals, cleaning agencies, childcare centres’, shopping centres’, food halls  name a few.


Certificate lll in Cleaning Operations (CPP31011) qualification is available through JobQuest.


Training can be delivered via Fee for Service or New Entrant Traineeships.


New Entrant Traineeships

Traineeships are a system of structured training combined with employment. They are designed to help people in starting new industry based careers and provide employers with trained staff.


Course units include training in  areas such as store safety,  communication, initiative, merchandising, building relationships with customers, selling products and services, promoting loyalty programs plus a lot more!


A Traineeship is an opportunity to “Learn while you Earn.”


  • Can be completed when you are working Full Time or Part Time.

  • It is completed entirely in the Workplace.

  • They are a way to achieve Nationally Recognised Qualifications.

  • Your employer may be entitled to Incentive Payments from the Government for assisting you complete a Traineeship.


There is an administration fee payable per year of enrolment using the Traineeship mode of delivery,


New Entrant Traineeships must be started within 3 months of commencing full time  employment or within 12 months of commencing part time employment

Smart and Skilled Started 1 January 2015 in NSW

“Smart and Skilled” is Coming!


“Smart and Skilled” is a reform of the New South Wales Government and commenced 1 January 2015. It brings changes to the way people can do a qualification.


New price and fee arrangments for government subsidised qualifications will be in place.


The new fee arrangement will allow 46,000 more students to be trained in 2015. The Fees will vary depending on the qualification.

The Government will continue to heavily subsidise the cost of obtaining a qualification. Training is a “Shared investment”. Students benefit from better jobs and wages and the community benefits from a skilled economy.


There will be fee exemptions and concessions for disadvantaged learners and in regional and remote areas.

More information can be found at


National Registered Training Organisation - 90187

ABN - 80082730210


NDIS Registered  provider - 58874090

Copyright ©2020  All Rights Reserved Penrith Skills for Jobs Ltd Trading as JobQuest and JQ Services


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